deskGen.net 1.5 is now out. This features some pretty significant upgrades to the site's look and feel as we look to continue to grow and expand over the next few months. You'll see the beginnings of a new desktopGeneration™ design language for our community platform roll out here, including a new blurple accent color.
- Fixed a bug where various elements rendered as pure white in light mode.
- Borders have been introduced to most elements on the site.
- New hover states have been added to various navigation elements, such as individual forums & topics.
- The 'like' icon has been redesigned.
- Unread threads now have a new gradient indicator behind them.
- Sticky threads are now indicated with an indentation.
- The default user color is now synced to the sitewide accent color.
- Anniversary 2024 items have been removed from sale.
- Page navigation buttons have been redesigned.
- Additional darkening & blur has been added to the background when overlay windows are open.
- Accent colors have been unified sitewide & have been added to more items and areas.
Feel free to create a thread in suggestions & support if you have any particularly pressing issues, though I'll be checking this thread as well for feedback.
- Andrew