#RAW album covers


Well-known member
Jan 14, 2024
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They. I am an invasive species.
Post your favorite album covers, or album covers you think are #RAW.
(Follow it along with a comment and rating on the cover/album, if you want!)
I'll start - HAPPY BIVOUAC ON THE HILLARY STEP, the pillows, 1999
It's joyous, carefree, captures exactly how it feels to listen to this album.!
I deem this cover #RAW. 8/10.
I really, really like the cover to m-flo's EXPO EXPO. Idk where it's at on the #RAW scale, but it's just really fun to look at. And it certainly looks like how the album sounds, which I think is the best compliment I could give it

Really fun album, I recommend it

WLFGRL - Machine Girl

in my opinion, this is the #RAWest album cover of all time, and absolutely fits the vibe of the album itself. It's raw, it's angry, it's rebelious, and it hates the world. It was my first introduction to Machine Girl is still remains one of my top albums of all time.


Stream it here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kuZfbMumJX0oT1qZ2po1vZ-iK2POX2coU
I will not be rating the ones I post after the first, cause I have a few, I'll leave that to anyone who wants to rate 'em instead.

Alice in Chains - Unplugged

Album 1.webp

#RAW Rating: 8.9/10

The album cover for the release of their MTV's Unplugged performance. I love this cover so much. One of AIC's last performances together before the untimely death of Layne Staley, their lead vocalist. Alice in Chains is one of my favorite bands of all time, squarely in the top 3 for sure. Just wish I could have been born many years earlier and gotten the chance to see Layne live in concert, unfortunately I was only just becoming cognizant of being when he passed.

I'll just post the rest of the albums with a sentence of info for each. Don't wanna bog down the thread for others.

milkypossum - DIGITAL UTOPIA
Album 2.webp
Fun album about the nostalgia of the previous digital era and the escapism that follows therein.

Troldhaugen - Idio+syncracies
Ablum 3.webp
Not gonna explain this one, just look at it. Go forth and listen if this got you interested.

Yeat - AftërLyfe
Album 4.webp
Only recently got into Yeat through a friend. You probably know some of his songs through like Instagram reels or TikToks even if you don't know the names.

Was gonna put Kendrick's good kid, m.A.A.d. city album cover as well, but I think 4 is already too much.