
Active member
May 1, 2024
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so i've talked about "my game" for a while in these here wee forums and i've internally debated (a fierce debate between three people) to actually show it here because i didn't want to seem like i was just advertising or something.
well i fear no longer! (except for The Banish) here's this thread that talks about my game but not just my game i'll be sharing progress on its development here because i don't really have a "paid supporter" secret chat to send previews to and i wanted a semi informal (and probably a separate formal) devlog to be public, and i find you guys may be interested in this

todo: i'm wriiting this while somewhat tired. i may fix its first post's formatting in the future

basic information: brickbreaker sprint is a brick breaking game (lmao) like breakout or arkanoid. you use a paddle and a ball to break bricks
the gameplay loop is inspired by pac-man championship edition in which you get to advance through a stage's brick sets. you can opt to be fast and loop around the stage to get a multiplier (a lap) and or be efficient and clear all the bricks off of a set and gain a large Score Bonus
all in all it's about speed and choosing what you wanna pursue for a set at any given moment, or if things are out of your control, panic until you have a ball for yourself.
the aesthetic is very vectorheart inspired and initially took off with my color scheme of black white and one color but it's evolved on its own thing besides my branding (still keeping limited coloring and aesthetics)

links (screenshots in itch page)
twitter account / (web version available)
that's it for the intro post i'll be posting things i manage to get working about it as time goes on and on and on
for the first post in this thread i'd like to mention that the game is at a milestone i call "nano plus" which is one of three milestones, the next being lite (which is the next big update that i got money to publish on steam for!)

the nano milestone is the base sprint gamemode (the new thing) and most important basic systems that i wanted to try and see if people liked as it's my own interpretation in how the main mode's game loop should go

the nano plus update's highlight is the integration with the stage portal called Scaffold which hosts the stages online, along with the web based stage editor
so as a kind of starting point for the thread i'mma post its small trailer here:

now for an actual in-progress post: i've been refactoring the gamemode engine to allow something i had planned since the beginning of development of this game, which is a dedicatory to brickbreaker revolution by digital chocolate
some context:
digital chocolate is a company that made many mobile games including brickbreaker revolution, which had a novel gamemode in which you advanced through brick sets. dchoc's rights were acquired by rockyou, a social media games company, which went on to develop some games from their IPs. by now dchoc is defunct. rockyou eventually also died (bankruptcy)
since dchoc was BEYOND dead and i enjoyed BBR and BBR2 so much, bbsprint was originally going to be a homage to BBR (some tracks in the game are remixes of tracks from BBR), before it eventually spun into its own thing. i still thank dchoc for the game in the credits however

bbsprint is not going to have just one gamemode, it's going to have the titular gamemode, sprint, the classic gamemode in which you have to break all bricks yes or yes (with the sprint spin on it) and a recreation of the revolution 1 gamemode that dchoc pioneered and never seen anybody do again

a few days ago i was working in the absolute basics of the revolution gamemode. stage state can be saved and brought back

the gamemode architecture also makes it easy for me to make gamemodes that control a great deal of things compared to the single-mode thing that the original demo had going on, so i'm very happy about it

this is going to have its own proper animation and ball position changing, but right now i'm just reusing the "ball callback" to debug the stage state and such things
I grew up with brick breakers as a kid so this sparks a certain joy in me, played it on NG ages ago and really liked it

+ Vectorheart is an instant win for me :3