Best 3DS games?


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Jul 24, 2023
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Sky Glow
Recently dug out my 2DSXL and looking for games to play! any good reccs? I'm open to all!
Haven't played it in a long time, but I remember really liking Fire Emblem Awakening. Haven't played Echoes but I've heard great things about it too.
Super Mario 3D Land doesn't quite live up to the other 3D Mario games, but it's still a fun time.
Ocarina of Time and Star Fox 64 both have good ports. Majora's Mask has a lot of changes for the worse, though.
I haven't played the 3DS versions of them, but both Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor games are great.
WarioWare Gold is worth it just to hear Charles Martinet as Wario actually speaking full sentences (and is also a really good game too)
Kid Icarus Uprising is great but the controls are not kind to your wrist
I'm personally not a fan of PokΓ©mon X and Y, but Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire and Sun/Moon are really good

There's probably a lot more, but this is just what came to mind first. Also worth remembering that if you hack it (and you should if you haven't, it's pretty easy and the eShop is gone anyway) then you can natively play original DS and GBA games as well
the Ridge Racer game is pretty good, if you're into visual novel-esque games I heavily recommend Virtue's Last Reward. EDGE is also a good time waster.
make a flash card out of an old SD card and get Chrono Trigger :mrgreen:
Dittoing Crab's recommendation of Fire Emblem Awakening - for nostalgic reasons it's probably my favorite in the series, but even without that it's still a great game. The series spent forever chasing after excuses to re-implement its mechanics for a good reason.
I'm a huge fan of most rhythm games on the 3DS so like, Project mirai, Taiko, Rhythm thief and Rhythm paradise megamix nstuff. Of course the monster hunter games I think are really good and its got imo the best version of Animal Crossing which is New Leaf.
...and its got imo the best version of Animal Crossing which is New Leaf.
ahhh i wish i could get into New Horizons the way i still bump New Leaf. there are some improvements in NH that are annoyingly missing in NL, like how balloons can drop on paths (going back to NL and seeing every balloon disappear because the surface area of my town is 70% flowers and 20% paths makes me want to cry)