Free game recs

always worth reminding everyone that Cave Story was released for free, no matter how much Nicalis want to make people think otherwise. idk what the best way to play it is now, haven't kept up with that stuff, but it's 100% worth playing if you haven't

Very good friend of mine made a huge youtube video on this exact topic lol. Here's the list of games he covers in it:

(rhythm gamer voice) do you have any idea how many hours I've sunk into Clone Hero

technically I guess it's not really free if you feel compelled to buy a guitar controller to play it with but you can also play on keyboard
I really liked Underhand on mobile. It's a cultist card game from 2017 that's a uni project that is very well done. It has you manage cult resources while trying to appease a certain god. Every god has a certain way to be appeased and makes every run for that god its own different kind of gameplay with a deck of cards
VRChat. The game itself completely free but it's also a gateway drug into spending $1000+ of dollars in VR Hardware and learning how to use Blender and Unity. Most of my friends are on it so I don't have reason to drop it anytime soon.
I really liked Underhand on mobile. It's a cultist card game from 2017 that's a uni project that is very well done. It has you manage cult resources while trying to appease a certain god. Every god has a certain way to be appeased and makes every run for that god its own different kind of gameplay with a deck of cards
Not available on newer versions of Android, damn! that sounded fun :(

As for my recco

If you can stomach the learning curve, Dwarf Fortress is an amazing game, if you haven't head of it, here's a quick review:

There's of course the paid version on Steam, which comes with graphics pre-installed and a lot of sound. The free version is updated alongside the steam version, so you won't be missing out aside from some QOL changes. If you go the free route (honestly, my prefered version, for a reason coming up) I would HIGHLY suggest getting the latest version of the Lazy Newb Pack, which comes with a whole host of QOL changes and the ability to apply a graphics pack.

This is a game you gotta have a wiki by your side at all times to play, but so long as you choose a place to embark that's away from monsters and in a warm climate (AND DISABLE AQUIFERS IN THE LAZY NEWB PACK SETTINGS!!!) you'll have a reletively safe space to learn the basics and understand the controls.

Dwarf Fortress's fun comes from the stories it tells. Every little thing is simulated, look at the notifcations, read an interpriate them, check up on your Dwarves' thoughts, and watch as it all crumbles beneath you, so remember, Losing Is Fun!
2 great free games that i've enjoyed:
- it was made in RPGMaker by a solo french dev: Martin Georis
- memorable and catchy music with a cool story

Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt
- made by ludosity during a game jam
- fun shmup-esque action game with really addicting gameplay and cute pixel art
2 great free games that i've enjoyed:
- it was made in RPGMaker by a solo french dev: Martin Georis
- memorable and catchy music with a cool story

Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt
- made by ludosity during a game jam
- fun shmup-esque action game with really addicting gameplay and cute pixel art
OFF is a classic, seconding your recommendation of it
I am absolutely not normal about Reverse 1999. This is what I breathe every day, because it is sooooo goooooooddddddd. Don't save me, I will talk your ears off about it when the opportunity arises, like now! Despite it being a gacha, it is the most forgiving one I have seen and it is also the most my speed and style. The UI is absolutely INCREDIBLE and the characters are so unique and so it, I can't... It's so good. The English version is a little bit wonky with its text sometimes, but things will get very clear over time! The events are also so unique and aaaaaaaa. I'll stop here or this thread is no longer about free games in general lmao


Bkorneblume my beloved,,,
I have a nostalgic bias towards flash games, so I'll vouch for modern web games. You may have to dig a bit to find the gems, and it's not as convenient or smooth as having a launcher like Steam. But you can have a great time for no money or install times. Some modern web games are on the level of indie games that you'd pay for on other platforms. Fruity Tower is my go-to example.
Yesterday I tried out an interesting little free/PWYW turn-based roguelike called NO-SKIN. It has a very distinct feel from most others in its genre bc the primary challenge isn't build-making, but instead resource management. While there are a few passives and alternate weapons available from time to time, the focus of the game is very much on your consumable items. As I said to some friends on Discord - "we finally found the secret third type of roguelike".
