Games you didn't expect to blow you away


Sep 6, 2023
Reaction score
Blue Steel
Sky Glow
Clear Sky
i played signalis blind recently cuz i heard it was good, i had no idea how much id end up loving it... shit absolutely nails its atmosphere and the gameplay mechanics work really well despite seeming a lil tedious on the surface (running back to save rooms to grab items did get kinda annoying but that just a nitpick, i actually fw how limited the inventory is)
its one of those games that lingers in ur mind for a long time after playing it. it fasholy wears its inspirations on its sleeves but its also unlike any other game ive played before like even if the gameplay wasnt that good (which it is) it would still be a 6/10 from me just for the story & vibes u feel me
Outer Wilds (2019)*

Outer Wilds fans saying what I'm about to say has become a meme but if you like space/sci fi at all, I strongly encourage you to pick it up blind. no trailers, no reviews, literally close your eyes on the Steam store if you can

I figured it would be pretty cool when I bought it but it's my actual favorite game now

*NOT The Outer Worlds (2019). Different game
XCOM 2 was a game I got for free somewhere, maybe a humble bundle back in the day when those were good, and I decided to download and give it a shot one day...

...only to be sucked in and addicted from start to finish.

Every now and then I'll re-download it, set up a War of the Chosen campaign, and get sucked in. I kinda wanna try Long War mods now, since I'm always left wanting more whenever I finish a campain!
shin megami tensei iii nocturne was absolutely insane, was not expecting to get sucked in like i did. JRPGs are super hit or miss for me so i was really happy to get my teeth into this one