Good YouTube videos

this has to be one of my favourite videos of all time.
i love sadworld so much its so funny
now THAT is a story I wanna hear
Unfortunately not very exciting. His girlfriend reached out to hire me for some web design work for the brand and it was all on my end that things fell through. We had some solid negotiations but I was starting a new job at the time and a key DM just kinda slipped through the cracks. I do wish I did it in hindsight.
Unfortunately not very exciting. His girlfriend reached out to hire me for some web design work for the brand and it was all on my end that things fell through. We had some solid negotiations but I was starting a new job at the time and a key DM just kinda slipped through the cracks. I do wish I did it in hindsight.
Ah fair fair enough, c'est la vie

I like RLM in general, but my favourite video from them is just Mike and Rich reading the Wookiepedia article for Darth Vader's suit and laughing their asses off
A friend showed me this video a while back. Hysterical
i have come to bless this thread with another great video from one of my favourite youtube channels that only has ~1k subs
And you CANNOT forget

This shit was EVERYWHERE when 300 dropped. Madness

What dates this has gotta be the video itself. It's such a time capsule. You couldn't get a better reprisentation of meme culture from a single video. Just a whooole lotta compressed edited gifs. Almost reminds me of YTMD

Damn, blast from the past.

This Is Sparta Remix, Taking the Hobbits to Isengard, Zidane Headbutt Mix and All Your Bases Are Belong to Us are Youtube classics

For me, this was the first video I've haver watched on Youtube. Glad to see the original upload is still up
