How do you name your pieces?

flatbeek !

Active member
Aug 26, 2024
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long beach, ms !
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was working on a piece today and i ran into a common bottleneck i have with a lot of my art which is having a title for the piece. it sorta feels like i ran out of words to name things and nothing i put down ever feels like what the piece is making me feel. i was wondering if anyone has any tips or any conventions they follow to naming their work ?
I don't even know tbh; I don't really name my visuals (yet) so I can't chime in on that.
On the other hand my songs have an initial name (the project file codename) but i always change it just before releasing. Since I release songs mainly on LPs I do these renames so each name fits the overall theme of the LP. It's mostly based on what I feel when listening to the song while visualizing the artwork(s).
I name them after the songs/albums I am listening to when I start the piece. If the album or song title is too long the name becomes an all-caps acronym with no periods. Example: When The Kite String Pops turns into WTKSP.
usually I release artworks based around a single theme at a time (re: I did a series of art related to death a while back, and I named my pieces by death-related things, like death methods, etc.) so I name my pieces based on the theme
if I deviate from this, I name my pieces after obscure sorrows from the dictionary of obscure sorrows
whatever I tend to be obsessed with at the time really, not much thought ahead of time.
often times it is from an interest in something like a lore, maybe a historical event or mythological story with names and places
something that feels recognizable and esoteric
One of the journals I keep is a lot of quotations, thoughts, and ideas that I kind of connect like constellations. When a piece I'm working with involves certain themes, I usually go into the journals around the same theme and pull words that either sum up thoughts on it or evoke that line of thinking. But it def all starts in the journals!
Purely vibes based, I usually like to add a lot of text to my artworks, so I just pick the biggest or most relevant piece of text to name it.
this thread has actually been EXTREMELY helpful, in the last two pieces i've done i've both named off of vibes and a song title of the song that i was listening to when i looked over after i'd rendered it out in blender LMFAO.

this has worked and genuinely has always led me to a name for a piece that's felt fitting (even in scrapped pieces !!)

if there's other things you guys have that haven't been said here by ALL means please keep adding for both me and anyone else who'd ever come across this as a resource but THANK YOU GUYS for replying to this it's been a huge help <33
Yeah vibe is usually the trick it just takes some practice to start associating words with visual concepts. I've also just started making up words that are a synthesis of two other words that sound cool.