Knito's art thread


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2024
Reaction score
Rounded Rectangle Frame
Dreamscape Purple
Profile Music

Decided I might as well make a thread for my art on here!

Lately I've been kind of moving away from metalheart, and doing this more texture oriented minimalist stuff instead. I'm mostly inspired by Gen X/Z Soft Club, and I'm ngl the major factor for my shift is probably cause it's just so much easier than metalheart is LOL
scan lines logos are always cool imo
The Buick Grand Nationals with the name printed on the side taught me this years ago. Forever the coolest

I really like this picture I took 2 years ago, new years 2023. I think i was very lonely that time (not much really changed haha), so instead of spending new years in my house i told my parents i would be walking around with a friend and celebrating with them instead. So i walked around my city alone until the clock hit 12 am. It's really theraputic just walking around.

I took this picture with my S23, so its no DSLR level quality but I still quite like it. Composition could be better though. Once I go back home, I'll take lots of pictures with my Sister's DSLR. Just need to find a working SD card for it though...

Lowkey i kinda wanna shoot film too, but that shit seems SUPER expensive