Retro Remakes


Lead Creative Director
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Jul 24, 2023
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The Cyberworks
Executive Title
Cyberworks Volume 2 - Style 1
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Given that everyone loves when games are remade (you all clapped for that The Last of Us announcement, right?) I figured I'd dedicate a thread to some older remakes of even older games.

My example is the ever magnificent Castlevania Chronicles.


Man, the art direction for this one rules.

It's a remake of the original Castlevania that updates things for the wild, modern age of 2001. Technically this is a 1993 remake of Castlevania, so we've got two different layers of updates going on here. You can play the original mode (which is the first remake for the Sharp X68000 in 1993) or the arrange mode (which is the actual updated-for-'01-game). If you're here for a substantially different experience: check out the arrange mode. You really should just do that anyways, the soundtrack is great.

It keeps everything I love about Castlevania 1 while also upgrading Simon's movement and attacks to feel far less stiff, without abandoning the intention of how heavy controlling him is supposed to feel. You don't get all the movement options present in say, Super Castlevania 4 or Rondo of Blood but you do get a pretty decent upgrade over the NES version of the game and it feels a lot better.

Anyways, what's an older remake of a game that you like? Felt like NES/SNES era games were getting remade constantly up until the eighth generation (PS4/XB1/etc) of consoles really kicked up.
I'd kill for a proper Majora's Mask remake that's actually on a console and not delegated to the DS line of handhelds.

Other than that, Xenosaga 1-3 and Eternal Darkness remakes would be cool. Would be interesting to see how sanity effects would go about in the modern age in a hypothetical PC port.
I'd kill for a proper Majora's Mask remake that's actually on a console and not delegated to the DS line of handhelds.
Totally agree with you. I wish Nintendo would do an Ocarina of Time HD with the 3ds version's quality of life features with upscaled 4k textures.

As for Majora's Mask, I'm not so sure I want Nintendo to remake that game. They messed up many things when remaking that game on 3ds (ex. Deku Scrub's movement, Zora swimming being broken, etc.). If you really want to have a great time playing Majora's Mask, I'd play the source code decomp version from GitHub.