Serif Affinity purchased by Canva. What are your thoughts?

I have 0 reason to trust Canva on this but the response to severe community backlash on day 2 reassured me — confirmed that a subscription bundling Affinity and Canva would be available as an upsell to Canva customers, and Affinity would always have a one time purchase available. I am wary but will watch with caution and a bit of hope— if this means that Affinity files become industry standard on par with PSD, I’ll be happy.
just hoping that canva does not fuck up whatever that affinity has built in the past, and instead use the purchase as a stepping stone in investing in them, that would be great to see
adobe needs some genuine competition to force them on letting go their horrible claws on subscription-based pricing (and an disgustingly expensive one on that too, imagine charging the same price in malaysia than in usa when the minimum wage here is a fraction of usa lol) and affinity seems to be that competition
I really love the model of software ownership with paid upgrades. Avid used to do that with protools but has since joined Adobe in their business model of only having a subscription option.
I haven't gotten into the Affinity suite yet, still working with Adobe, but having recently bought Affinity, this was frustrating news.

We really need the Blender equivalents for Photoshop and Illustrator, and After Effects, and Premier pro...
I really, truly believe Blender has only survived the way that it has because it began as a commercial project - this applies to Godot as well, though it remains to be seen how it will handle the next few years now that it's truly mainstream. There are so many... let's call them open-source-isms that have prevented software like GIMP (which I've come around on in recent years. I think it's alright.) from being able to handle mainstream usage. It's a shame, but Adobe & et. all are proof that you can have the opposite problems and be so much worse. Only difference is standard.
I bought Affinity Suite right when their v2 dropped. I was NOT gonna pay the monthly that Adobe wanted for Photoshop/Illustrator. That being said - been about 5 months with the software and honestly it's... just good. Like a 7/10. It's weird because the UI, performance, and integration is really good. But there's so many random features that are missing because of the fact that's it's still a relatively new software suite, so it has everything you'd need like 90% of the time but it's frustrating when you run into that 10% they haven't gotten to (despite years old forum posts on their website about that stuff).
I haven't gotten into the Affinity suite yet, still working with Adobe, but having recently bought Affinity, this was frustrating news.

We really need the Blender equivalents for Photoshop and Illustrator, and After Effects, and Premier pro...
there is! illustrator equivalents are inkscape (used before, didnt get very deep into it but thats just me cus i dont do vectors often, but it is a very good software for vector-based work, just not very optimized back then (2022)) and after effects has natron (never used it, but looking at their stuff it does look pretty promising)
its just weird to me that Blender somehow is the only FOSS graphic related software that popped off but others doesnt, would be really interesting to see if these start gaining traction after this

edit : oops never mind just saw what andrew wrote about blender's success and yeah i do agree with that sentiment that you are only able to succeed if you started as a commercialized product, but i remain optimistic about FOSS slowly being accepted as more and more people finding alternatives as the result of these vampires sucking up money from their subscription