A promise and a pledge against usage of Generative Artificial Intelligence/Networks (commonly known as "GenAI")

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A promise and a pledge against usage of Generative Artificial Intelligence/Networks (commonly known as “GenAI”)

The following document is both a pledge to originality and a promise to stay committed to who we are. For the sake of brevity, it is not a full explanation of our arguments - but you can ask our lead creative director, Andrew Bennett, if you would like to have a discussion about this in good faith.

desktopGeneration, LLC is making a formal commitment to not make use of GenAI technologies within our products, our artwork, and our commissioned/contracted projects. We have not, and will never, license our artwork for usage within training libraries for generative technology, and will pursue action to the fullest extent of the law against any companies or individuals that attempt to train these libraries on our data.

There are restaurants that are so committed to freshness they formally ban microwaves on their premises. The same concept goes for tailors who are committed to bespoke originality, ensuring that their work will be truly and purely made by hand. Our commitment is the same at its core — in a world where GenAI tech existed without the environmental, ethical, and copyright concerns that currently plague it, desktopGeneration, LLC would make this same promise: we will not use generative AI. We will not use it for asset generation. We will not use it for generation of images wholesale. We will not use it for upscaling, color modification, or style transfer.

Again, this document is kept brief - if you would like to have a full discussion about the reasoning behind this, please reach out via email/Discord/deskGen.net.