Songs you (begrudgingly) enjoy


Lead Creative Director
Staff member
Jul 24, 2023
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The Cyberworks
Executive Title
Cyberworks Volume 2 - Style 1
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There are some songs that have been overplayed quite literally my entire life. That isn't really their fault, but for the longest time they were ruined for me regardless - I'd hear the opening notes and go not this again. Then sometimes... I'll actually give one of 'em a try, whether by choice or otherwise, and pay attention for the first time. Typically I realize why they're so overplayed.

All that to say, I really like Ordinary World by Duran Duran despite feeling my skin crawl every time it came on the radio for the last 20 years. I guess some part of me also views it as "old people music" (lol) still since that's 100% what it was when I was a kid.

If you've got any similar stories or songs, post 'em. Also willing to accept songs you love by people you hate here.
Dig by Mudvayne. Ever since I saw the music video when on YouTube when I was like 10 I've always had a sort of love-hate relationship with it. The actual song is decent, if you like this type of music anyway.

Something in my brain as a kid just switched in my head and disliked the music video greatly. I can't tell you why. I was never afraid of like clowns or that sort of makeup style, and admittedly the music video is fine, it's not groundbreaking or anything. It's just the band playing the song. There is objectively no reason why the music video should have made me hate the song, but it did and now when it comes on, I listen to it and all I think of is how much I irrationally hate the music video.

Likewise, it's always a love-hate dynamic for me. Cheesy af, but I had this stupid track in my playlist when I just met my future girlfriend, so whenever I hear it, so many happy memories of 13yo me come back.

This, and a bunch of Touhou ost remixes made my early teenage years.


Likewise, it's always a love-hate dynamic for me. Cheesy af, but I had this stupid track in my playlist when I just met my future girlfriend, so whenever I hear it, so many happy memories of 13yo me come back.

This, and a bunch of Touhou ost remixes made my early teenage years.

I have soooooooo many nightcore tracks in my playlist lol

Just brings back so many memories from highschool, a whole vibe of it's own.