Twin Peaks


Lead Creative Director
Staff member
Jul 24, 2023
Reaction score
The Cyberworks
Executive Title
Cyberworks Volume 2 - Style 1
Profile Music
Lounge Access
Through the darkness of future past,
the magician longs to see,
one chants out between two worlds...
fire, walk with me.

Discussion of Twin Peaks (1990) / Fire Walk With Me / The Return goes here.​

Twin Peaks Log GIF

I'm about to the end of The Return right now and have a lot of thoughts on it so far but I'm waiting until the finale to really lay 'em all out. There's a lot I really enjoy about The Return artistically - it's very distinctly its own thing & proud to be its own thing, but I miss the warmth and coziness of the original series for sure. Nothing's ever gonna hit like the Tibet scene ever again, methinks. Either way Dale Cooper's still my favorite fictional character ever.
I'm about to the end of The Return right now and have a lot of thoughts on it so far but I'm waiting until the finale to really lay 'em all out. There's a lot I really enjoy about The Return artistically - it's very distinctly its own thing & proud to be its own thing, but I miss the warmth and coziness of the original series for sure. Nothing's ever gonna hit like the Tibet scene ever again, methinks. Either way Dale Cooper's still my favorite fictional character ever.
twin peaks (like the whole thing) is one of my favorite things ever... enjoy the finale!
Twin Peaks Reaction GIF
I've got a couple of friend deep into twin peaks and all that, I reckon it's high time to watch it.

Wondering if I should know anything going into it?
So Judy definitely was the thing in the glass box, birthed Bob, and possessed Sarah, right?