flatbeek art thread

"When it's Mii, it's you."

when its mii, its you.webp


i recently found a Mii rendering tool that you can use to build Mii's online and spit out either renders or RIGGED 3D MODELS of them. this has been my dream tool for so so so many years. (side note: you can find that tool right here !)

so i played around with it, and an idea formed. i thought back to old nintendo ads and how they'd use a single photograph and maybe a tagline to make a strong statement. i wanted to play into that so i dug through old wii files and my 3ds mii channel and made as close as i could to the way i used to make myself over the years. i had the idea of a line of miis showing the growth of someone, and then progressively getting less saturated in color the older they were. the idea of "an avatar that grows with you, wherever you grow" seemed not only like a REALLY cool caption, but something i felt was distinct to Mii's in particular.

at least for me, the Wii and 3DS were such a big part of my life and got me into making music and art and so many of my fondest childhood memories were built on their backs. all throughout, i'd constantly be changing my Mii to look how i "wanted to look." at some point it kept actually looking like me irl and i realized that i kinda hit a personal goal in that regard.

when it all came together i realized i'd sort of unintentionally made a piece about my relationship with the Wii and the subsequent consoles afterwards and with my gender. it's a weirdly specific but scarily accurate way of showing my personal growth as a human in how i've slowly come to grow into the girl i really wanna be.

i realized i'd never really had it laid out like this before and something just kinda broke inside of me. where i started and where i am were literally 50m away from each other and they're so clearly two different people. but in between those, it showed the journey i took to get here. and i suddenly found that i was very proud of myself.

not just for making a good piece of art this week, but for getting this far at all.

'til next week <3
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May the best* Mii win.


Not counting this as my piece of the week given that I made it a while ago, but I wanted to share this piece that was posted today that I made as part of a promo push for WiiLink! I love the guys that run everything and I'm really proud to be a part of their content team (as relatively new as I may be).

If you're curious as to who those guys are, they're pretty much a revival service for the online capabilites of the Nintendo Wii. If you've heard of RiiConnect24, they're the successors of that team. They brought back a multitude of channels, alongside localizing and reviving a few Japan exclusive channels as well! If you want to learn more about them, by all means please do. They're doing such important and really cool work for the Wii homebrew community.

I'm so certain that this is not gonna be the last time I post one of these either, I made like three and am still working on like three more LMFAO

Piece of the week will be coming in the next few days, I'm taking a (not school designated) day off tomorrow, so I'm sure a good bit of my work will be happening then lol
May the best* Mii win.

View attachment 1860

Not counting this as my piece of the week given that I made it a while ago, but I wanted to share this piece that was posted today that I made as part of a promo push for WiiLink! I love the guys that run everything and I'm really proud to be a part of their content team (as relatively new as I may be).

If you're curious as to who those guys are, they're pretty much a revival service for the online capabilites of the Nintendo Wii. If you've heard of RiiConnect24, they're the successors of that team. They brought back a multitude of channels, alongside localizing and reviving a few Japan exclusive channels as well! If you want to learn more about them, by all means please do. They're doing such important and really cool work for the Wii homebrew community.

I'm so certain that this is not gonna be the last time I post one of these either, I made like three and am still working on like three more LMFAO

Piece of the week will be coming in the next few days, I'm taking a (not school designated) day off tomorrow, so I'm sure a good bit of my work will be happening then lol
omg is that
take it with a grain of salt

tiwagos (1).webp

okay cool so the headache is gone finally.

school kicked my ass this week, and overall the tone of this week has been very drab and boring in comparison to previous weeks. given that i received some huge news this week you'd think the energy would be higher, but nope! :D

idk just a little something to put up this week to keep the streak <3
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you've returned

afterall squashed (1).webp

out of respect for my family's privacy, i will not be providing a detailed write up on the events that have lead to this piece.

it's been a long week. a very long week.
this one hurts a bit, but i'm glad i got it out.

that's it. 'till next week.

naivete (squashed).webp

hi i'm getting this out because i really wanted to get the piece done this week before i went on a little adventure!

i get on a plane in 10 hours :D

i am TIRED

and also i deliberately wanted to do simple things this week without just being lazy because i'm actively afraid of maximilist design LMFAO. but also i think my renders can be fine and i'm pretty good at compositing, i just really wanna work on design aspects (the BANE of my existence i think)

if anyone has any tips on such things in terms of like how to work that kind of stuff into pieces, PLEASE let me know it's so intimidating for me