May the best* Mii win.
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Not counting this as my piece of the week given that I made it a while ago, but I wanted to share this piece that was posted today that I made as part of a promo push for WiiLink! I love the guys that run everything and I'm really proud to be a part of their content team (as relatively new as I may be).
If you're curious as to who those guys are, they're pretty much a revival service for the online capabilites of the Nintendo Wii. If you've heard of RiiConnect24, they're the successors of that team. They brought back a multitude of channels, alongside localizing and reviving a few Japan exclusive channels as well! If you want to learn more about them, by all means
please do. They're doing such important and really cool work for the Wii homebrew community.
I'm so certain that this is not gonna be the last time I post one of these either, I made like three and am still working on like three more LMFAO
Piece of the week will be coming in the next few days, I'm taking a (not school designated) day off tomorrow, so I'm sure a good bit of my work will be happening then lol