waxy art thread


Active member
May 17, 2024
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Hello, I am ChunkOfWax. I am an artist and person who makes a bunch of things. This is my thread where I'll
be sharing all my icky and gross (fun and cool) crud and shit (artwork). I thought it'd be fun to
have a proper place to house my work :)

I've been doing art n' stuff since about 2021. I usually like to draw my own characters and sometimes draw other characters from media
that I like, but I almost always habitually end up drawing my own characters, who I'm sure you'll see plenty of in this thread (lol)

I'll be posting new stuff here as I make it, but maybe I'll share some old stuff here and there on occasion, for funsies, whenever I'm feelin nostalgic

Anyways, enough preamble...
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Kicking off with something that's a bit older, I made this back in May of this year. It's a mockup for box art for a hypothetical DS game featuring my characters. This one was a lot of fun to make. My style has changed a bit in the time since this was made, but I still think it's pretty neat :)

deskGen exclusive! currently WIP...

Previous post for context...

Kicking off with something that's a bit older, I made this back in May of this year. It's a mockup for box art for a hypothetical DS game featuring my characters. This one was a lot of fun to make. My style has changed a bit in the time since this was made, but I still think it's pretty neat :)

View attachment 1067

Actually started on this several weeks ago. It's been sitting on my hard drive for a while, untouched, and its still way too much of a work in progress for me to want to share it on socials or anything like that, so I'm just gonna drop it here...

I think I will finish it in the near future! I just think I might finish it at a later date or something... perhaps to coincide with another project I've been poking at, but we will see... :licon:

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