flatbeek art thread

flatbeek !

Active member
Aug 26, 2024
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long beach, ms !
Emotional Abstracts - Style 1
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:mrgreen: flatbeek's "cool & also good" art thread :mrgreen:

i saw a bunch of other people have their first post be an art thread of theirs ! i won't flood the thread with like 30,000 instances of me catching up and archiving everything i've already posted elsewehere, but since i put out a piece today i figured now would be as good a time as any to start this thread and hopefully i won't forget about it when i post other things. <3

oh yeah also hi i'm bee i post art and make music under inventa and self discovery and i've been doing exactly those three things since late 2020.
oh how small the text is and how large this image is

gonna start doing small write-ups under these :D



i've been strangely determined to do EVERYTHING and THEN SOME lately so i made something that feels like looking at everything ahead of you (but like... not quite having everything together to act on anything yet).

i'm trying to get better at putting actual emotions behind my pieces to help get a lot of mental gunk out in place of "oh this looks cool." there's a certain bottleneck i hit when putting together pieces without any like "reason" for things being how they are. i just panic about "how is this gonna look to the ppl on the internet" and not "how can i translate my feelings to the piece?" this one was a good bit easier for me. i didn't worry about "ohhh this is gonna make it look cooler" or "i HAVE to have a lot of non-blender elements to show off that i'm capable of that," i just sat down and made something.

and it felt good. :)
this one's a rough one.


breather (squashed).webp

i had a friend visit this week from kentucky, it was awesome and we went out and took some photos of the city. it was nice and i wanted to use it as the basis of the piece for this week.

however, wholeheartedly this week has been SHIT.

there's been so much drama with friends and everything and theres issues that i thought had been resolved between people WEEKS ago that apparently was not. it's been a rough week here at the nest and it really feels like i can't escape it.

this piece is as close to that choked up feeling i get anywhere i've gone lately, like i can't ever TRULY escape despite how hard i try not to get involved with drama that doesn't involve me.

hopefully it'll stop being as prominent in my head soon. :/

i got a good piece out of it tho <3
huge moves, finally achieved something i've been at on and off since i started doing art the way i do now.

Self Portrait (2025)


i've struggled with my self-image for just about my entire life, and am only just recently in a place where i feel comfortable in my own skin. the battle with the way i look has sort of molded the way i think about myself and how i present myself in every day life. i've wanted to do a self portrait for as long as i've done art, but i've never quite been happy with the way it's looked. funnily enough, it's seemed to match up with how i feel about myself pretty often. recently i've been as confident in myself as i have been in my art. this finally led me to a piece that i think is a good representation of how i see myself and the constant fight i've had with that vision.

in short, hell yeah, glad i finally feel pretty. :)

there's snow in mississippi

there's snow in mississippi / a colder climate / and a louder ringing in my ears / something better to wake up to / than the bad news of the year

it's truly not every day you witness a once-in-a-lifetime weather event just outside your apartment.

another weird week, but i don't think anything will ever truly be as weird as the fact that it's SNOWING. in the SOUTH. WHAT ????

this is my first time ever seeing snow, so i got to finally witness it. i took my camera out and alongside damn near freezing my right hand off taking pics (my gloves were too floppy for me to adjust settings </3) i got some pics of what happens when it snows and freezes over on the beach. i did a render in blender to try and have a subject and i think it turned out a good bit better than i'd initially thought it would. regardless, it's a hell of a day to get a piece.

(from thin air)

STOLEN (from thin air) // the balance isn't working, but it doesn't mean you won't be close. i'm anticipating fallout; just wait 'till i erode. - knapsack (2020)

for once there wasn't a life-changing event that randomly happened this week, i got to experience normality for just a lil bit. in that, however i had some thoughts rushing around in my head. a lot more to do with my art and it's consistency in style or quality. i can feel myself getting a little better each time, because it gets a little easier to do some things just from how much i've gotten practice over the years, and especially working on stuff once a week is helping LOADS. even still, i find myself kinda looking back on stuff i was making even just a year ago and thinking to myself, "i can do so much better now, it just kinda feels like i have nothing to show for it."

and then i sat on that thought for longer than 15 seconds or so and realized that's such a stupid way to perceive my own work LMFAO.

OBVIOUSLY my current output of work is better than it was a year ago, I'VE BEEN PRACTICING INTENTIONALLY TO GET BETTER SINCE THEN.

me from a year ago wasn't as well-versed in the stuff i do now. and it's not that i was really BAD a year ago, just that in that year i've taken the time to learn how to make my work more visually interesting and making the effort to use it as a means of expression.

and even further i took the time to put my work and my journey as a whole in my art into context: i've been doodling on the computer since i had the capacity to open ms paint, i've only been doing art like this deliberately outside of a "making covers for music" context for about two and a half years, and in that time i've learned sO MUCH. i get worried often about my work not having a "style" to it the way others' might. but i look across everything i've ever done and then the works of artists that inspire me and i not only can see that the inspiration is sticking around, but that the stuff that i'm doing is increasingly it's own thing the longer i do it.

all that to say, i'm glad i chose to do a piece a week this year. it's letting me see things about my art i wouldn't have been able to before.

'til next time <3