i saw a bunch of other people have their first post be an art thread of theirs ! i won't flood the thread with like 30,000 instances of me catching up and archiving everything i've already posted elsewehere, but since i put out a piece today i figured now would be as good a time as any to start this thread and hopefully i won't forget about it when i post other things. <3
oh yeah also hi i'm bee i post art and make music under inventa and self discovery and i've been doing exactly those three things since late 2020.
burning the candle made this bc i got real angry that i couldn't make shit that was like GOOD to me so i got angry and wrote text over a basic blender render (yeah, that'll show em !)
WEEK 2 OF A PIECE A WEEK oh how small the text is and how large this image is
gonna start doing small write-ups under these :D
log//1.7.2025 PREVAIL
i've been strangely determined to do EVERYTHING and THEN SOME lately so i made something that feels like looking at everything ahead of you (but like... not quite having everything together to act on anything yet).
i'm trying to get better at putting actual emotions behind my pieces to help get a lot of mental gunk out in place of "oh this looks cool." there's a certain bottleneck i hit when putting together pieces without any like "reason" for things being how they are. i just panic about "how is this gonna look to the ppl on the internet" and not "how can i translate my feelings to the piece?" this one was a good bit easier for me. i didn't worry about "ohhh this is gonna make it look cooler" or "i HAVE to have a lot of non-blender elements to show off that i'm capable of that," i just sat down and made something.
i had a friend visit this week from kentucky, it was awesome and we went out and took some photos of the city. it was nice and i wanted to use it as the basis of the piece for this week.
however, wholeheartedly this week has been SHIT.
there's been so much drama with friends and everything and theres issues that i thought had been resolved between people WEEKS ago that apparently was not. it's been a rough week here at the nest and it really feels like i can't escape it.
this piece is as close to that choked up feeling i get anywhere i've gone lately, like i can't ever TRULY escape despite how hard i try not to get involved with drama that doesn't involve me.
hopefully it'll stop being as prominent in my head soon. :/