How’s today going?

I feel like I have equal parts all the time in the world and none of it at the same time.
This is the worst feeling in the world and I can relate to it more than I'm comfortable with. Sometimes you need a clean break with your cycles of habit to get something fresh going, and that's brutally hard to do.
Overall good today, but I no longer have a bed frame and BOYO what a bed frame does to sleep quality and vice versa when absent
Man that sucks, but that reminds me I need to move on from the same twin size bed I've been using for as long as I can remember lol.

Anyway my day's been okay. Had to sit through a mandatory driver's ed class from 8 am to 5 pm so that was garbage, but I got some snowboard lessons starting in a few days that I'm hyped for so it's all good
should probably replace my mattress, that bitch is s u n k

what a pain though. not sure if that's my fault or just t i m e either
Pretty good start to the day so far. Woke up, got some reading in, made myself some eggs (fried, as I am a man of culture [and don't have all the stuff to make eggs benedict]), then opened up my computer to post on desk Gen dot net. The rest, as they say, is history.
Throat is dry as heck (water not helping) but at least I can talk again, working on commissions and stuff and it's fun
Glad youve been able to get a nice day in Andy and aa I hope your throats feeling better Mukky!